This functionality will come in the form of an easy to use jQuery plugin that you can easily incorporate into any website which displays a set of featured photos with a camera shutter effect.
<style> #container{ width:640px; height:400px; margin:0 auto; border:5px solid #fff; overflow:hidden; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } #container ul{ list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0; } #page{ width:650px; height:400px; } #container img{ padding:0; } .shutterAnimationHolder .film canvas{ display: block; margin: 0 auto; } .shutterAnimationHolder .film{ position:absolute; left:50%; top:0; } .shutterAnimationHolder{ position:absolute; overflow:hidden; top:0; left:0; z-index:1000; } </style>
<script src=""></script> <script src=".../jquery.shutter.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var container = $('#container'), li = container.find('li'); // Using the tzShutter plugin. We are giving the path // to he shutter.png image in the plugin folder and two // callback functions. container.tzShutter({ imgSrc: 'assets/jquery.shutter/shutter.png', closeCallback: function(){ // Cycling the visibility of the li items to // create a simple slideshow. li.filter(':visible:first').hide(); if(li.filter(':visible').length == 0){; } // Scheduling a shutter open in 0.1 seconds: setTimeout(function(){container.trigger('shutterOpen')},100); }, loadCompleteCallback:function(){ setInterval(function(){ container.trigger('shutterClose'); },4000); container.trigger('shutterClose'); } }); }); </script>
Generated HTML
<div id="page"> <h1>Shutter Folio Photography</h1> <div id="container"> <ul> <li><img src=".../img/1.jpg" width="640" height="400" /></li> <li><img src=".../img/2.jpg" width="640" height="400" /></li> <li><img src=".../img/3.jpg" width="640" height="400" /></li> <li><img src=".../img/4.jpg" width="640" height="400" /></li> </ul> </div> </div>
The Final Code
<head> <style> #container{ width:640px; height:400px; margin:0 auto; border:5px solid #fff; overflow:hidden; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); } #container ul{ list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0; } #page{ width:650px; height:400px; } #container img{ padding:0; } .shutterAnimationHolder .film canvas{ display: block; margin: 0 auto; } .shutterAnimationHolder .film{ position:absolute; left:50%; top:0; } .shutterAnimationHolder{ position:absolute; overflow:hidden; top:0; left:0; z-index:1000; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="page"> <h1>Shutter Folio Photography</h1> <div id="container"> <ul> <li><img src=".../img/1.jpg" width="640" height="400" /></li> <li><img src=".../img/2.jpg" width="640" height="400" /></li> <li><img src=".../img/3.jpg" width="640" height="400" /></li> <li><img src=".../img/4.jpg" width="640" height="400" /></li> </ul> </div> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ (function(){ // Creating a regular jQuery plugin: $.fn.tzShutter = function(options){ // Checking for canvas support. Works in all modern browsers: var supportsCanvas = 'getContext' in document.createElement('canvas'); // Providing default values: options = $.extend({ openCallback:function(){}, closeCallback:function(){}, loadCompleteCallback:function(){}, hideWhenOpened:true, imgSrc: '' },options); var element = this; if(!supportsCanvas){ // If there is no support for canvas, bind the // callack functions straight away and exit: element.bind('shutterOpen',options.openCallback) .bind('shutterClose',options.closeCallback); options.loadCompleteCallback(); return element; } window.setTimeout(function(){ var frames = {num:15, height:1000, width:1000}, slices = {num:8, width: 416, height:500, startDeg:30}, animation = { width : element.width(), height : element.height(), offsetTop: (frames.height-element.height())/2 }, // This will calculate the rotate difference between the // slices of the shutter. (2*Math.PI equals 360 degrees in radians): rotateStep = 2*Math.PI/slices.num, rotateDeg = 30; // Calculating the offset slices.angleStep = ((90 - slices.startDeg)/frames.num)*Math.PI/180; // The shutter slice image: var img = new Image(); // Defining the callback before setting the source of the image: img.onload = function(){ window.console && console.time && console.time("Generating Frames"); // The film div holds 15 canvas elements (or frames). var film = $('<div>',{ className: 'film', css:{ height: frames.num*frames.height, width: frames.width, marginLeft: -frames.width/2, // Centering horizontally top: -animation.offsetTop } }); // The animation holder hides the film with overflow:hidden, // exposing only one frame at a time. var animationHolder = $('<div>',{ className: 'shutterAnimationHolder', css:{ width:animation.width, height:animation.height } }); for(var z=0;z<frames.num;z++){ // Creating 15 canvas elements. var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), c = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width=frames.width; canvas.height=frames.height; c.translate(frames.width/2,frames.height/2); for(var i=0;i<slices.num;i++){ // For each canvas, generate the different // states of the shutter by drawing the shutter // slices with a different rotation difference. // Rotating the canvas with the step, so we can // paint the different slices of the shutter. c.rotate(-rotateStep); // Saving the current rotation settings, so we can easily revert // back to them after applying an additional rotation to the slice.; // Moving the origin point (around which we are rotating // the canvas) to the bottom-center of the shutter slice. c.translate(0,frames.height/2); // This rotation determines how widely the shutter is opened. c.rotate((frames.num-1-z)*slices.angleStep); // An additional offset, applied to the last five frames, // so we get a smoother animation: var offset = 0; if((frames.num-1-z) <5){ offset = (frames.num-1-z)*5; } // Drawing the shutter image c.drawImage(img,-slices.width/2,-(frames.height/2 + offset)); // Reverting back to the saved settings above. c.restore(); } // Adding the canvas (or frame) to the film div. film.append(canvas); } // Appending the film to the animation holder. animationHolder.append(film); if(options.hideWhenOpened){ animationHolder.hide(); } element.css('position','relative').append(animationHolder); var animating = false; // Binding custom open and close events, which trigger // the shutter animations. element.bind('shutterClose',function(){ if(animating) return false; animating = true; var count = 0; var close = function(){ (function animate(){ if(count>=frames.num){ animating=false; // Calling the user provided callback.; return false; } film.css('top',-frames.height*count - animation.offsetTop); count++; setTimeout(animate,20); })(); } if(options.hideWhenOpened){ animationHolder.fadeIn(60,close); } else close(); }); element.bind('shutterOpen',function(){ if(animating) return false; animating = true; var count = frames.num-1; (function animate(){ if(count<0){ var hide = function(){ animating=false; // Calling the user supplied callback:; }; if(options.hideWhenOpened){ animationHolder.fadeOut(60,hide); } else{ hide(); } return false; } film.css('top',-frames.height*count - animation.offsetTop); count--; setTimeout(animate,20); })(); }); // Writing the timing information if the // firebug/web development console is opened: window.console && console.timeEnd && console.timeEnd("Generating Frames"); options.loadCompleteCallback(); }; img.src = options.imgSrc; },0); return element; }; })(jQuery); //]]> </script> </body>
With this Shutter Effect is complete!
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